I believe our life is made up of a collection of heart strings we grow and develop on our journey in life. When all the heart strings are blended together the true music of an individual is played. The symphony of life is not written for a single instrument or a single individual, it is played by a full orchestra in the concert of one’s life.
Each string is acquired on the path of life and twisted and forged by our actions and deeds. The strings melodic sound is infinitely more pleasant when it is conducted by the heart. The blending of sounds is more in tune when we vibrate with the sounds of unison around us. Our goal from birth to final resting is to tune these strings to make the most beautiful sounds that are possible from the instrument of our being. Our sounds are adjusted by the responses we hear from those around us. As our sound penetrates our loved ones, inspires our peers, transcends our community and evokes ease of body and soul to countless others we have reached the full orchestration of our spirits sound and we are ready to record the music of our lives.
Each of us has a set of heart strings. Some of us choose to make music daily some of us forget how to play. The strings are named by the willingness we exhibit in our journey through life. My strings are named:
1. Appreciation-For one’s life, others and for opportunities.
2. Respect-For family, friends, nature and all that live.
3. Humbleness-For all above and below.
4. Conscience-For my actions for they are my fingerprints in life.
5. Character-For it establishes our presence in all settings.
6. Perseverance-It maintains my DRIVE-DESIRE-DETERMINATION.
7. Love-This act allows me to demonstrate my deep commitment to those closest to me.
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