Monday, June 20, 2011

Social Media..
I have received many suggestions when it comes to social media. Many aspects of the process still confuse me but I push forward. Some say it's too much others say you should do it this way and others say do it that way. Well folks, I am doing it from my heart and that is the only way I operate. This weekend we are co-producing a play with our new friend Pam Tate. We are all very excited about this project. Local actors have come together, lighting people, stage hands and my student from 31 years ago Joe, is helping out with props. My excitement stems from the feelings that come from bringing people and activities together. Maybe it's the retired teacher in me. My joy not only comes from the production but the process as well. It truly has been a process to savor. Please, if you see this request more than once or if you hear about it from another source..please appreciate the effort that it takes to bring an idea from ones mind and soul and build it into a viable entity with very little financial support but with a tremendous amount of heart. As usual..Thanks for listening.

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